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Old 10/23/2007, 06:49 AM
LegendLand LegendLand is offline
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Posts: 84
well so far the biologist & scientist documents state that its only been extracted from those 2 certain Palythoas. i think that is why they called it Paly-toxin, cause it lives in Palythoas, what needs to be done, is some of the most common species of Zoanthus NOT PALYTHOA sent for research, aquaculterd specimens NOT WILD CAUGHT, it is a known fact that some animals only get there toxins from there diet, this could be so with the zoas. alot of peop[le still dont know the difference between Zoanthus & Palythoa & zoanthus might be getting the blame for paly's reactions on humans & dogs.

also there has been research found that other corals, such as Favia, Goniopora,Euphyillia (Hammer Coral) & other mainly LPS corals carry toxins that can cuase or infict paralyzing toxins. if i remember correctly Acropora was even listed. (i'll double check later)
& most of us have had problems with flatworms, has anyone researched the toxins on these little fellows ? even the Discovery channel had a show about them !

also i suffered a posioning, but i didnt have zoas, i was actually handeling Dendronepthya every day, part of a External container feeding method i created, i was handeling it 2x a day every day. then one day it stung me. 2 days later i was in the hospital & i couldnt breath. took almost 3 weeks to regian breath but i was left with a defect in my left heart muscle, a heart murmur that never existed before the sting.

so the point is all corals & inverts & even some fish have the ability to kill or paralyze us. it just takes the right dose & the right sting.