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Old 10/22/2007, 07:29 PM
seagirl seagirl is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 671
FWIW, here is what i have learned with my 75 gal. -

Tank- i went perfecto, i think hte corner overflow allows for easier rockscaping and flow control.

Sump: size of sump is ok, if thats what you have around. I would get an eheim 1262, and if you run it external it will save you heat and also allow you to have a very small return section so you can maximize fuge space

Skimmer: Octos are good, i use an ASM G3 but it was cheaper when i bought it.

Lighting: T5's save me on heat, i love them. Definately overdrive bulbs for sps imo.

Water Circulation: I have 2 Hydor #4's, a Tunze 6045 nano and the Eheim is 898gph minus head loss and i don't even have sps. IMO you chould check out some bigger Tunze's or plan on quite a few Hydors

Stand: I had one built by a local reefer, came out much better than store bought ones.

Controller:I think a controller is a must. Aqua controller Junior is a perfect choice, just make sure you get teh DC8 or x10 mods.

Do I need a carbon reactor since its going to be a mixed tank? (chemical warfare?) I would get 2 phosban reactors, 1 with phosban and one with carbon. Two little fishes works great, but other ones do too

"Um, did I forget anything?"- The one piece of equipment i will never be without is an auto top off. Provides much greater stability for your system.

HTH, LMK if i can help some more