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Old 10/22/2007, 05:37 PM
easye123 easye123 is offline
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Coral beauty ok?

I have a 90g sps tank that has been up for a year.
I run a ER rs135 with a 30g sump.refug... phosphate reactor..

Anyways I havent added fish really since the beggining of my tank.

I currently have a
Sailfin tang
Lavender tang
4 green reef chromis
bicolor psuedo
green mandarin

All fish are very fat and healthy and never have had any problems.

I wanted to add a coral beauty or some type of dawrf angel for my last fish instead of some anthias.

I know its alwasy hit or miss with them.. but im just makin sure a coral beauty would be fine with all the other fish i have..

any comments would be great
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