Thread: New Yellow Tang
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Old 10/17/2007, 02:26 PM
Mappelbaum37 Mappelbaum37 is offline
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its now day 2 for the new tang and the fighting has stopped. Now another problem is taking its place. In the LFS I got the tang from there were 3 in the tank. they bullied eachother and i asked for the bully of the tank. he was prob. the biggest in there and i asked to watch them eat. The store put in omega one marine flakes just like what I use and all the fish went into the corner of the tank. a minute later when they made sure it was safe to eat they ate but it took a while. My tang looks real happy in my tank and is swimming all over the place but whenever I feed the fish he backs into the corner and wont go for the food. I use garlic also. What should I do??