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Old 10/15/2007, 07:02 AM
ReefDoctorMicromussas ReefDoctorMicromussas is offline
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Location: Fringes of the REEF and cultural desert Arkansas, USA
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I use the Centrifical fans housed in my Lightrack to evaporate and cool the big tank.. When Humidity is high evaporation is in efficient and as a result temps increase... I also have ALOT of very expensive woodworking in the rooms near the tank and also some even in the "Lab" so as I had originally thought that the big 75pt. Dehumidifyer was going to have it all I found that it really needed some help. High humidity can cause mold behind your drywall, warp wood, cause premature failure of electronics AGGG! and a whole host of other problems.. YES your tank will be large enough that this will be an issue for you also...
Easily solved by :

#1 Dehumidifyer
#2 Ventilation

The thing that really let me know the room need the vent was I work in there alot an found that I was not sweating er cooling myself well and it was uncomfortable.

Your tank build is going well I am excited to see more... Good luck
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