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Old 10/14/2007, 06:33 PM
Cheebs Cheebs is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Ottawa
Posts: 79
Hey there,

my 75 gallon tank is a few weeks old, Ammonia, Nitrtrite at 0, Nitrate sitting at about 5.0. I've got some xenia, mushrooms, feather duster and soft corals, which are all doing great, and I have a bunch of patches of zoas that I purchased aobut 2-3 weeks ago. They are spreading and opening up nicely, but It seems there are a growing number of white spots showing up all over the inside part of the round part of the heads. They aren't bumpy or extruded, and the zoas seems otherwise pretty ehalthy. Coudl this be caused by calcium, pr something else?
