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Old 10/11/2007, 12:32 PM
sugartooth sugartooth is offline
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I never got a chance to force feed. She was found dead while getting ready to force feed.

My thinking is that it is important to be very worried if the fish doesn't eat for more than 2 days. From the time I saw behavior and body changes, it was 2 more days until death. It was 5 days total since she stopped eating.

I want to share this experience in case it may help someone identify problems down the road.

I cut her open to see what I was up against, since the male just started eating again, but now has some discoloration along the lateral line. When I looked at her before cutting, I noticed the vent still had some whitish substance in the vent itself.

I cut her open and saw some white long strands. I'm assuming this is not normal fish anatomy (my guess is their organs are either pink, red, or brownish?). They reminded me of dog tapeworms, without the segments.
They were also very long compared to the fish and I didn't investigate further as I was not having fun cutting into my fish.

My guess is that it is a nematode infestation that caused a blockage and needed to be passed in order to get the fish healthy again. I've never dealt with this, it is only my guess.

So now that the male is eating again, I'm planning on spiking the food with some Paricide X (a broad spectrum external/internal parasite and dewormer) that also boasts it has laxative effects. If he is looking good, I want to treat the water with antibiotics as well.

If someone has experience, or sees a better solution, please feel free to post. I'm open to any suggestions.

Last edited by sugartooth; 10/11/2007 at 12:45 PM.