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Old 10/11/2007, 06:39 AM
Spracklcat Spracklcat is offline
--sister of geek--
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: LI, NY
Posts: 1,459
You can tube-feed a fish. You make a slurry of the food, fill a syringe, put a catheter tip on (long skinny rubber tube with a hole at the end, likely not something the average hobbyist has available). Then you catch the fish, hold it down, shove the tube down its throat, depress the plunger, and the food goes directly to the stomach.

For me, I wouldn't recommend it for this--if the fish is weak already, the stress of being caught and fighting you could be worse. Try tempting the fish with brine, like they said above. You can add a bit of garlic too as it seems to be attractive tasting to the fish. Also, most important, add some Vitamin B-12 which seems to be an appetite stimulant for fish. I've had good luck with it.