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Old 10/07/2007, 11:28 AM
Agu Agu is offline
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Join Date: Oct 1999
Location: Venice, Florida
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I don't pretend to be a coral biologist.

The first green coral was sold to me as probably a nepthea, with that disclaimer, it's a best guess.

In Fenners "Conscientious Marine Aquarist " p361 he identifies the order Alcyonacea as "Among the best choices for beginners are the finger, leather, cabbage, and colt corals (Sinularia, sarcophytum, Lobophytum, and Alcyonium or Cladellia respectively). "

Tullock in "Natural Reef Aquariums" p196 has "Soft Corals(Order Alcyonaria)........They generally fall into three groups, the leather corals, the pulse corals, and the stoloniferans."

However, in your defense, Calfo in "Book of Coral propagation" p288 identifies Alcyoniidae to include "Alcyonium, Cladiella, Lobophytum, Sarcophytum, and Sinularia............ Alcyoniids are mostly called Finger and Leather corals. "

So much for common names and my ability to identify corals, however this should not overshadow the point of the article. Many corals are easy to propagate and as conscientious aquarists we can reduce the dependency of the hobby on captive collected corals by propagating corals whenever possible.

Thanks for the feedback ...........
Less technology , more biology .