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Old 10/05/2007, 08:49 PM
lancer99 lancer99 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Falls Church, VA
Posts: 272
What next?

The tank is almost done cycling. An LFS got in some beautiful pieces of Florida "deco" rock (lots of zoas & macroalgae), so my plan WAS to add a piece or two, both to seed the tank, and to give me something interesting to look at....but a month later, the LFS has managed to kill all the interesting lifeforms & replace them with green slime. So that option's out.

I can either buy some live sand (from a local tank.... lots of critters) or some LR to get some life going. I was hoping to keep this a strictly Caribbean tank, but the live sand is from an Indo-Pacific tank, and the available LR is too.

Am I being too anal, wanting Caribbean LR/live sand?
