Thread: Need a mentor
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Old 10/03/2007, 11:02 PM
polyppetey polyppetey is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: richboro
Posts: 76
Hi all,
I don't know how to put this but I was wondering if someone local could help me out with my tank. I have had a 12 gallon nanocube for almost 3 years now and it is doing OK not thriving just OK. I have very slow growth if any. Right now I am battling small ammonia spikes for what ever reason I cannot determine. One or two have been caused by a snail and a hermit crab dying but I seem to have a series of tiny cycles lately. I test weekly and for the most part the parameters are ok except the ammonia spiking then the nitrites spike and the ALK is always super low even though I have been dosing with one part of a 2 part solution for the past 3 weeks but I cannot get any higher than 5 DKH.

Right now my params are
Ammonia .25 ppm
ph 8.2
Nitrite 0ppm
Nitrate 10 ppm
calcium 480 mg/l
temp 78 degrees
Alk 4.5 DKH
Salinity 1.027

I don't dose anything but two part I already mentioned though I have used some seachem-prime for the ammonia.

I do a 1 gallon water change twice a week now with the Catalina water. Feed sparingly (I have 1 fish- baby maroon clown) but I would like some more growth, My palythoa and zooanthid do not readily grow or just slowly die off after a few months. I just had an awesome colony of red palythoa just wither and die after tripling in size, it is very frustrating.

The tank is stocked pretty well with the usual nano suspects, mushrooms, ricordia, polyps. etc. I want a bigger tank but thought this would be a good start in the hobby. I figured I would post here after meeting some cool people before when I was giving away my frags of xenia and yellow polyps.

I do not have a great test kit and I was wondering if someone near me (Richboro, Pa.) could do a good test of the water for me, or at least take a look and give me some advice on what I am missing. It would much appreciated, I can't give you any money but I would definitely take you out for some beers and pizza, or give you some frags when I get the tank going well, I do have some interesting stuff for a little 12 gallon tank