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Old 10/01/2007, 10:57 AM
Teremei Teremei is offline
DSB are gooood, mmkay?
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: West Chicago (one hour west)
Posts: 2,520
Well if anything we've learned to feed more smaller meals instead of one big one. But that's what I've been doing anyway. Keeping it practical I feel 3-4 times a day, each meal a different food, and each one a small portion that the fish finish within 30 seconds.

I do agree with feeding several small meals a day. It just seems more natural, afterall. We humans eat a few times to several times a day. Why only feed your fish once?
Hippo, Tomini, Yellow Tang
1 Eel
1 Coral Beauty
3 Wrasse
2 Clowns
2 Gobies
1 Yellowtail Damsel
1 Candy Hogfish