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Old 09/30/2007, 11:20 PM
JoeMomma JoeMomma is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Ottawa, Canada
Posts: 244
Dustin don't wprry. I'm at the same phase in my build as you and I literally had the same problem as you a couple days ago. The thread may still be fresh here as well.

My system is using 5 bulkheads. I started out with 2 leaks so I decided to teflon tape the inside of all the bulkheads even though I didn't need to. 2 leaks become 3 and now they have all stopped on their own. I had leaks between threads and between the gasket and the glass.

If your leaks are only by drops I'd say leave it as is and give it a couple days. They will probably fix themselves.