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Old 09/29/2007, 10:34 AM
CruzinKim CruzinKim is offline
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Quaranting a $15 wild caught Percula for 2 weeks and then putting into a well established 240g FOWR tank. Wasn't long enough QT time, the clownfish brought in a disease that first wiped out all my tank raise clownfishes, then spread to wiping out all the tangs and last, wiped out all the angelfishes. Everything else lived, but lost my most precious fishes despite over $600 in reef safe medications to try and stop the disease, was a total waste of money. Ended up coppering the tank and never being able to use any of the live rocks in any other setup except fish only. Totally stupid and expensive lesson and what's worst, all recommendations were given by the LFS owners in the area. That was the last time I listen to LFS about combating disease.