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Old 09/25/2007, 11:53 PM
CeeGee CeeGee is offline
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Originally posted by rcypert
Just feed more often. Wrasses love to eat and if you tank isnt a good source of live food then they must have multiple feedings. Do you have a refugium? Do you think your skimmer and flow could be zapping excess foods out of the tank too fast so that a healthy population of infauna cannot become established? A G3 is rated for up to 250 gallons right? Thats a big skimmer on a tiny tank. Your not one of those BB crazies are you?
You would think that the G3 would be overkill on this tiny tank but I have a hair algae problem that says otherwise. I have a refugium that refuses to grow chaeto and doesn't seem to add much life to the tank other than another place for detritus to settle and pollute the tank.

Yeah I have gone BB as I had a SSB for the first two years of the tank and after phosphate problems and battling hair algae I decided to go bare bottom and install a phosphate reactor that seems to only be sucking money out of my bank account instead of phosphate out of the water and rocks. The hair algae keeps coming even after ROWA and massive massive water changes. I do not overfeed obviously as my fish are skinny and I use RO/DI that test 0 TDS so I have no frickin clue where all this phosphate is coming from. I also rinse all my frozen food in RO/DI before feeding.

I wouldn't say that I am crazy but the Hair Algae is making me that way along with the no color non growing SPS because of phosphate.

Originally posted by stringcheese
They eat plankton. All of your expensive filtering removes plankton. I would feed cyclops-eez (tiny frozen or live red bugs) but would turn off filters and protien skimmers prior to feeding. I would leave circulation pump(s) running so it stays in suspension where they like to eat it. And as long as you never turn the circulation pumps off you don't have to worry about oxygen loss. If you turned everything off and forgot to turn them back on you could crash (I've done it) and lose everything. sells rots and I've bought them and they arrived alive and kicking. I also bought their decapsulated brine shrimp eggs. Which hatch in tank like clock-work 24hrs after they are introduced.
Thanks for the Rot info. I have all the other stuff you mentioned covered as I have a controller with a feed cycle. I hit a button and the pumps go off. I feed and they come back on after a certain amount of time.