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Old 09/24/2007, 11:10 AM
dtaylor123 dtaylor123 is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 74
I am not sure if it would require any additional water changes and my system has twice the water volume than the display tank. But I do have the ability to do water changes if needed. In any closed system there comes a point were the addition of foods becomes more than the animals and bacteria can handle and when it reached that point, water changes will be required to offset the accumulating nutrients. What I do know is that so far know one has been able to keep thriving non-symbiotic corals alive. But the theory of small 24/7 feedings should benefit all corals and fish as well. Finding the proper food and total volume dispensed will be a lot of trail and error. Please though if anyone feels that there are big holes in this theory give us your thoughts. I do believe this is the next frontier in the world of reef tanks.


90 gallon brace-less trim-less
external over flow