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Old 09/22/2007, 09:03 AM
lancer99 lancer99 is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Falls Church, VA
Posts: 272
Oh, you mean *fish*...I always forget about them, lol

I have seen Calfo's article, and Sarah Lardizabal's (the one in RK) is the one that inspired me to set up this tank.

Thanks for the link...interesting reading!

I am going to keep this tank strictly Caribbean, so my fish choices are limited. I'm considering a Royal Gramma (have had them in the past....well-behaved, beautiful, hardy,!), Flame Cardinal, or Sunshine Chromis.

I'm still unpacking (just moved... setting up a tank is more fun than emptying boxes) and found my copy of Scott Michael's "Reef Fishes"...between that and Tullock's "Natural Reef Aquariums" I'm getting lots of good ideas for fish.

I'd appreciate any suggestions you might have.

Again, thanks for your replies.....people like you make this hobby even more fun!
