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Old 09/19/2007, 11:38 AM
Illuminati Illuminati is offline
A.K.A. colinadam
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Antioch, IL
Posts: 3,082
1. No warranty is offered on most used things you purchase, usually you buy something "As Is". Should have inspected it upon pickup before giving any $$$ away. How do we know that you didn't damage the tank on the trip home, you said it wasn't and he said it was. I doubt you would accept a tank with visable defects upon pickup, just logic.

2. You wanted a full refund but backed off when he split the brace cost with you. After you agreed to splitting the costs for the brace it basically made your request for a refund null and void.

You should thank him for splitting the cost of the brace and accept the blown seam as a risk of buying used equipment and move on, either resell the tank yourself or have someone fix it for you and use it. Dragging him through the mud on his local board is not cool, he owe's you nothing since you bought a used tank in "As Is" condition.