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Old 09/16/2007, 07:40 PM
stugray stugray is offline
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Longmont, Co
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I have used one before to rid my tank of asterinas. It worked perfectly. However once you see it out hunting, you have to feed it more starfish.

Mine cleaned out the tank of asterinas ( 125Gal ) in about a month. After that I fed it Chocolate chip star legs. I would buy 1 CC star & freeze it. I would feed one or two legs a week.

The Harlequin shrimp lasted almost a year this way. I dont know what their lifespan is....

I would advise against getting one unless the thought of buying a perfectly good CC star and sticking it in the freezer is ok with you. I felt guilty....

Some people think that I have Attention Deficit Disorder. They just dont understand that........ Hey! Look a chicken!