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Old 09/16/2007, 07:53 AM
ReefDoctorMicromussas ReefDoctorMicromussas is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Fringes of the REEF and cultural desert Arkansas, USA
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You guys so make it all worth it I thrive on praise hehe tell me more... OK anyway I'll throw up a few more pics from this weekend

The clowns are Oceallis Teardrops from England... I have a whole bunch of the Aussie Black and Whites but my wife loves the Teardrops and would flat out kill me if the more aggressive Aussies killed her little ones. I was wondering if since the tank is so large perhaps they could coexist but on opposite ends? oh well too risky

There are bunches of caps in there... Leng sy... Flower petal... simple orange... Strawberry patch... Orangi and a few more... the area right in front of the tank already has Echno instaed of caps a couple of the Tyree watermelons, Apocalypse, Alien Eye ect

Thanks Lunch Bucket I have loved your tank also

My PPE Elegance

My ORA Duncans

Isnt That Anemone ENORMOUSE? its about 12" across

Thank you gang
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