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Old 09/12/2007, 08:43 AM
JetCat USA JetCat USA is offline
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Originally posted by rob.holbrook
How would I go about doing a dip? and is it a certain kind of iodine that I use. I know these sound like new questions ... and they are but I do have corals just never fragged one.
Use Lugol's, add a gallon (or however much you need to do the dip) of tank water to a sufficiently sized container to submerge the coral, add enough of the Lugol's to turn the water tea colored. place the coral in the dip for a few min, remove it from the container and frag it OUTSIDE the tank (always frag outside the tank) then place the coral back in the dip bucket for several more min before pulling it out again to secure it to whatever you wish to have it attach to then place it in an area of the tank where it gets enough flow to promote healing but not strong flow.

Next question is that if i frag it out of the water... then do the dip... should i worry about these toxins that it releases in the water. I already run carbon in my sump. Should I qt this coral after doing this or place it back in my tank after a dip and running carbon?
Always frag outside the tank and yes you should always worry about the toxins of leathers even when they are in the tank growing. a single large leather in a system can stunt the growth of all SPS in that same system, if you have leathers and stony corals you should run carbon regularly along with regular water changes. with you already running carbon in your system just make sure it's fresh when fragging.