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Old 09/05/2007, 01:16 AM
hobbzz hobbzz is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Jacksonville, Fl
Posts: 965
Here's mine.
Tank - 20L with about 35lbs of LR and 20 lbs of LS. About 6 months old, but a lot of stuff is from older tanks.

Equipment - Large fuge in my 10aga sump with chaeto, Bakpak2 skimmer, and carbon. Icecap 4x24w T5 retro kit, CL-280 chiller. Flow is a mag5 through a scwd with 4 outputs on my return, and a mag7 through another scwd on the chiller. I dose randy's 2-part, and lugols and use RC for water changes.

Livestock - Pair of black and white ocellaris clowns, midas blenny, pair of harlequin shrimp, and I'm holding my cousins cardinal while he moves...he get's to pull it out.