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Old 08/31/2007, 03:58 PM
RHagemann RHagemann is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Sin City, NV
Posts: 80
Mushroom Reproduction

There's a pretty interesting article in Aug/Sep Coral Magazine demonstrating how to "force" Ricordia's to reproduce (or split). From what I gathered, it's done by cementing the Ricordias foot on some substrate, then cementing the Ricordia's petal to a separate piece of substrate. Position them so gravity assists the footed piece to separate itself from the cemented petal thus leaving two Ricordia's once it naturally seprates.

I'm trying one now...I'll let ya know if it works for me. I'm doing a Rainbow Ricordia...they go anywhere from $45 to $75 a piece here in Vegas so if I can get them to split myself.....might save a few bucks huh?
