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Old 08/17/2007, 07:02 PM
broke1 broke1 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
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Posts: 460
Interesting thread. I have one that is doing less than stellar. Fo the most part it's my fault. I pulled it out of the tank to move some stuff around and forgot about it for close to 15 minutes. The theory on burning is viable and it now has substantial algae growth on it. It's so brittle and weak I'm afraid to touch it. It was just starting to color up when I made my stupid mistake.

Is there anything that be done to this.

Rawbomb, if this happens to bounce back I have no trouble fragging it, but it won't be soon as you can see.
Woman points at a Yellow Tang"Is that a salt water fish?"To which I reply "yes".She then points to a Naso Tang in the same tank and asks"Is that a salt water fish too?"There are stupid questions.