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Old 08/16/2007, 05:20 PM
raddogz raddogz is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: San Francisco, CA
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So I think it really comes down to how much do you want to spend and where do you want to go as far as a mixed reef, just sps, or mixed reef with lots and lots of fish that like to poop a bit for a better lack of words.

I think you can have pretty nice tank with a $500.00 or so skimmer, a decent amount of fish that don't poop quite as much, and do regular weekly maintenance.

If you're anal about a sps dominant tank, with a hefty bio-load (I have three tangs in my 120g and really should pull that third one out), and you're just anal about water quality then a pricier skimmer may be worth it.