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Old 08/15/2007, 02:51 PM
Tanu Tanu is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 212
I do have one, I bought it somewhere in 2005. My tank has a little more than 160 G, and it is pretty loaded with sps. It DOES damage the corals, but like said before: it is about spreading the damage. I must say, the corals seem to spend much of their energy in repair, instead of in growth, I don't need to prune as much as I needed in the past.

As far as I know, many of these fish come in with irreparable damage to their organs, so even in a LARGE (I would say 200 G full loaded sps for 1 fish) sps tank, succes can't be guaranteed.

They pick mainly at Acropora. Stylophora, Seriatopora and Pocillopora are picked on as well, but not as much. Polyp extension on Acropora will only be visible at night, most other corals keep their polyps open.

I understand the wish to have such a fish, but to be honest: I'm not sure if I would buy this fish again, especially when buying new corals which don't 'know' not to open their polyps at day, the stress this fish causes to the corals might have cost me some colonies, although they were probably damaged before anyway...