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Old 08/09/2007, 03:16 PM
IPT IPT is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Alaska
Posts: 627
I am really new to all of this and learing day by day. This site is awesome! I understand Joe that you and many other keep the Alk a little lower and Ca a little higher - relatively speaking. Does anyone do the opposite? I seem to recall reading something about "farming" that recommended higher Alk (~12, and lower Ca ~320) for faster growth. It was possible that color may be sacraficed though. Anyone experience that? Does it make sense to do that a while for someone with lots of frags and then slowly transition to the inverse as the tank matures and colonies grow? I don't know, just a thought since this is a disussion I thought I'd throw it out there. I don't have enough experience to comment but hopefully some of you do.