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Old 08/01/2007, 10:57 AM
RichConley RichConley is offline
Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Boston
Posts: 9,473
Originally posted by MarineGirl411
So the radium 20k produces more Par than the Phoenix? Is that what I am looking at? 20k seems too blue for me. 14k Phoenix is perfect. It's in the middle. If you have a picture of a 20k radium I'd love to see. I saw at my LFS and I remember the tank looked very very blue. Rich, is that what you use? Also, how come we never get to see your tank?
No, the phoenix has 88 PPFD, the Radium has 85 PPFD.

IMO, spectrally, theyre the same bulb. The Phoenix IS a 20K, not a 14K.

Look at an Iwaski 15K. Its a TRUE 15K bulb. Notice how much bluer the phoenix is, and how it matches up to the 20K bulbs. Its a 20K, not a 14K.

If you like the phoenix, you'll like the radium.
72 Bow w/6x54w T5HO,,2xMaximod1200, PS-3000 skimmer