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Old 07/19/2007, 02:42 PM
Sk8r Sk8r is offline
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Location: Spokane WA
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First make sure that they can adjust to the salinity. I'm not sure about the ro/di [freshwater] rinse---likely fatal to some hitchhikers and enough to startle them loose, perhaps, but not 'pleasant' to the specimen at all, even fatal, if the dip lasted too long or were applied to the wrong specimen. Montipora is actually an sps stony, though fragile as chalk---I'd just use the standard coral dip. If I were buying softies these days [my last tank was softie, but we didn't have the proliferation of pests we do now] I'd acclimate in a well lit glass tank where you can really get a good look, and scan it very thoroughly for small crawlers and other pests. I'd be interested in hearing from a expert practitioner of the freshwater dip as to what it gets, and what the procedure and duration is. I'd also like to know how they tolerate the same dip used for stony coral.

"Make haste slowly." ---Augustus.

"If anything CAN go wrong, it will, and at the worst possible moment."---St. Murphy.