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Old 07/19/2007, 11:53 AM
MarkS MarkS is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: San Antonio, Texas
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Exclamation ***WARNING*** Harry Potter ending spoiler!!

Well, it turns out that Hermione is Harry's long lost sister. Ron falls in love with her. Harry, in one of his last battles with Voldemort, learns that Voldemort is actually his father and Voldemort learns about Hermione. Lucius Malfoy turns out to be an evil wizard emperor and is the one controlling Voldemort. Malfoy forces Harry to fight Voldemort and when he refuses, Malfoy tries to kill Harry. Voldemort, finding one last twinge of goodness in him, intervenes and kills Malfoy, but the battle is too much for his twisted, deformed body. Ultimately Voldemort dies from a heart attack and Harry, Hermione and Ron burn his body in the middle of the quidditch field. All is good at Hogwarts. The End.

Oddly, George Lucas has been in recent contact with his legal team...

Now that the ending is known...

I drank some fish food but is OK cause it tasted GOOD ~ vr697getta

The little men that live behind my eyes and scream into my brain told me to tell you hi.