Thread: Ph woes
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Old 07/16/2007, 12:33 PM
Lucky Strike Lucky Strike is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 44
Ph woes

im having a problems with my ph in my newer tank. I setup the tank and using instant ocean salt the ph read around 7.6 after i filled it up using my hanna moniter. after getting my saliferts organized (i just moved) the hanna and salifert agreed, and i started to try and adjust my ph slowly, with seachem ph 8.3. i tested my alk and it was testing off the chart. i switched over to kalkwasser, and two weeks of small adjustments these are my parameters:

ph 8.00
mg 1365
Alk 16
Cal 375

my alk is crazy high and my ph has always been really low, and i have to use kalk to keep it up to 8. my skimmer has been changed to pull outside fresh air, and it hasnt helped that much. reccomendations?