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Old 07/13/2007, 11:42 AM
knumbnutz knumbnutz is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Dallas, TX
Posts: 51
Red algae is probably cyanobacteria. It usually is a result of 1) poor lighting, 2) poor water flow, 3)excess nutrients. It could be any one of these things or a combination of the above issues. The other thing 7.8 pH is a low reading, keep in mind that pH and Alk are directly tied to one another. So if your alk is in range I would venture a guess that you have excess CO2 in the system and that is keeping the pH low, best fix is to aerate the water to deplete the excess CO2 and/or put a fan on the tank to increase circulation and improve gas exchange. Once you get your pH and Alk in range you can start to battle the algae problem, but its sounds like you may have excess nutrients in the tank. Maybe cut back on feeding until you can get the system in balance. Remember to be patient and make changes slowly, you do not want to create new problems. Hope this helps!!