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Old 07/08/2007, 09:55 AM
Mark426 Mark426 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Beaufort, SC
Posts: 353
Hard to find much info on this subject, hopefully you will shed some light on this. From what I have read and guessed. The smaller they are the shorter their lifespan, some as short as 1 year. I have several really tiny gobies (different trimma's) in my tank. The oldest, I have had for almost one year. How old they were when I got them, who knows. But they have grown quite abit, so I will guess they were young. I think they are full grown now and breed frequently. They are beginning to have that old fish look. I really dont expect them to last more than several more months, maybe a year. I lost one not long ago, just disappeared never too be seen again? I think it may have died of natural causes, it looked very old. I just read an article from a green-banded goby breeder, he said that his goby's live 2 years.

Country- USA
Breed - Trimma rubromaculatus
Years In Captivity - 1 yr. , alive and on display
Approx Age - 1.5 yrs?


p.s. just added a tank bred Yellow Watchman Goby, super small, less than 1/2 inch. Hopefully it will live several years.

Last edited by Mark426; 07/08/2007 at 10:32 AM.