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Old 07/06/2007, 01:32 PM
JCDelbeek JCDelbeek is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 89
Goby Lifespan Survey

Aloha All,

I am working on a paper on marine goby longevity in aquaria with Dr. Jack Randall. Most scientific papers appear to indicate lifespans from one to five years in the wild. This observation needs to be qualified by pointing out that most scientists appear to equate "lifespan" with "survivability" i.e. thats how long they survive until they are eaten. In an effort to ascertain how long gobies can actually "live" I would like to conduct an international survey of hobbyists via various forums in the US, Europe and Asia. This data will be combined with a similar survey I am conducting involving public aquariums.

If you would be so kind as to submit to me the following information I would be most appreciative. I would like the following information for these genera: Trimma, Eviota, Priolepis, Gobiodon, Amblygobius, Cryptocentrus and Valenciennia:

Country you live, Genus, species, years in captivity, and an
indication if the fish is still alive and on display. Please send your
replies to this sticky thread by the end of July.

If anyone has access to international forums in Europe, Asia or elsewhere, can you please pass along this request?

Many thanks in advance!

J. Charles Delbeek