Thread: marine biology
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Old 07/05/2007, 10:41 AM
J. Montgomery J. Montgomery is offline
Mouth Pipetting
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Charlottesville, VA
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Originally posted by Anthony Calfo
Generally speaking, a hard science degree (if non-specialized) is rather low paying. Better pay in science (usually) requires many years (and additional expense) of education and job experience.
You got that right! . . . I should have stayed in engineering, but NO, I thought chemistry and biology would be cool . . .

I graduated from college with two BS degrees and chemistry and biology only to find out that I could get paid more working at Circuit City with a high school diploma. So back to school it was, for 5 more years to get a PhD

And no, I seriously doubt SeaWorld is paying very much, nor do government jobs, or academic jobs. Like Anthony stated, to make any money in science, industry is your best bet.