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Old 07/01/2007, 12:27 PM
jacmyoung jacmyoung is offline
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Originally posted by steve the plumb
...The only good thing here is you can be homeless,broke,a dead beat or work for minimum wage and if something happens to you(what ever the cost) you will be fixed.It may take some time but they will fix you for free...
We have to pay to fix them too, only that we may have ten times the dead beats than you. Hospitals can not refuse care for them, and guess who pick up the tab?

Let's not have great pleasure thinking we pay less taxes, when politicians say no new taxes, what they did not tell you is you need to pay it somehow. When state and local government don't get enough from taxes, they pass bounds and raise fees to cover the shortfall. Our construction permit fees go through the roof to pay for roads and schools that is no longer covered by other resources, the cost of a little water discharge permit has gone up 6 times more than a few years ago because the agency overseeing the plant had their state funding cut to the bone, has to raise fees to recover.

You do have to pay for it, just it is not called taxes, but fees, dues, premiums and some other clever terms.