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Old 06/28/2007, 10:22 AM
capn_hylinur capn_hylinur is offline
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...and they are relatively tame, but sometimes are territorial and need space to get up the speed to get away from a ticked off other tang. My yellow is the boss---I just introduced a new sailfin to the tank about 7 days ago----the tang is at the stage where all of a sudden he takes a lighting stab at the sailfin and the sailfin takes off for the reef just as fast. (the yellow tangs line of defense is two razor sharp ridges near the back of its body before the tail. He needs space to dart and turn or come up beside another fish---kind of like the old chariot races/duels
"evrr bean to sea Billy--evrr smelled a fish?" "Aye capn..experience is the best teacher"