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Old 06/26/2007, 10:50 PM
vessxpress1 vessxpress1 is offline
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Yeah, I hate to say it but you should probably just buy a new tank and buy some piece of mind.

It doesn't look like that much to move out. Set a rubbermaid tub in front of it and just transfer everything to it for the time being. Set up the heater and powerheads in there and do what you need to do.

Don't worry about stressing things out. I wouldn't worry about the coral at all. They can actually handle quite a bit of abuse. I mean heck, you can set one out in the air, chop a piece off, glue it to a rock and have a new one while the original coral heals in a week with new polyps growing in two.

Handle the percs with care and they'll be fine too. That would not be much of a transfer for them.
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