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Old 06/23/2007, 01:18 AM
Slakker Slakker is offline
Slowly Stocking
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Southeastern Wisconsin
Posts: 2,453
Anemones are only short lived in captivity...something like 60% of all captive anenomes don't make it past a year (poor shipping, lack of understanding of their needs by stores and hobbyists, impulse's sad, really). It is widely accepted that they live for several hundred years in the wild.
That said, a 29 is far too small to house any of the clownfish hosts long term...they can all grow to upwards of 2 feet in diameter. Not to mention that it may be tough to keep the parameters stable enough in a 29 to provide an anemone with the pristine and stable conditions they require.

There are several corals that clownfish will sometimes adopt as a host in our captive systems (in addition to silly things like mag floats and powerheads). A few to look into are Pulsing Xenia, any of the Euphyllia species, some species of Leather coral (I believe Sarcophyton sp. is a common one), and I want to say I've heard of clowns hosting Colt corals.
However, if your Ocellaris decide to host a coral, be mindful of the health of the coral, as sometimes a pair of clowns can get rough and love corals to death.

Anyways...sorry about droning on in that short novel...I can't wait to start seeing pictures of your tanks. I wish I had taken the time to plan out what I really wanted when I started, rather than just jumping on a decent deal that came my way.

Check the red house.