Thread: Urchin Info
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Old 06/21/2007, 08:28 PM
ostrow ostrow is offline
Dr. Good Luck Himself
Join Date: Oct 2002
Location: Chicago, IL
Posts: 5,829
I'd be wary, #1, and I'd send the photo with the question to Bob Fenner and to Dr. Ron (find him yourself, RC doesn't look fondly on linking to him) at their respective websites.

You may have luck here in the inverts forum but I'd head to those two, and keep this out of your display.
Orca Systems Custom Skimmer w/3 Sicce PSK-2500s in Recirc mode. 3850lph of air at 73 watts.

fish: royal gramma, true perc, hepatus tang, hawaiin sailfin tang, citron goby, radiant wrasse, 1m, 1f solarensis wrasse, fed Rod food