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Old 06/14/2007, 12:04 AM
scottras scottras is offline
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Re: Re: Shark's fin soup, bear's paw, and other dishes taken off the menu for 2008 Ol

Originally posted by Rossini
Too right!

I'm seriously profanity removed when I hear about what the chinese/jappenese are up to? They have some of the worst envronmental morals in the world! They need stopping!

In Indonesia large fish have become rare. Fish like Sharks,Napoleon wrasse,and groupers are being hunted to the point of local extinction! These fish fetch large sums of money in SE Asian fish markets,mostly China & Japan. They like to eat the lips of the Napoleon wrasse! There sick. One boat was caught off North Sulawesi poaching sharks for the shark fin soup trade,it was killing 250 sharks a month. just one boat!

Then you have the whaling.

And I was reading about China giving support for the the clearing of the last large tract of lowland rainforest in Borneo. Borneo has had its rainforest destroyed by 2/3. And now there on about clearing what they call the "heart of borneo" the last tract of lowland rainforest,which is mostly national park. figure that out?

I also saw something the other day abot how they had factorys producing plastics or some other industrial goods and it was polluting this big river. It showed the river,it was comlpletley lifeless,and people 100 miles downstream have been getting all sorts of diseases from the pollutiuon as they use the river for drinking,cooking,and washing. They dont even care about polluting there own people,so they certainly dont care about other country eco systems and wildlife.

There is so much dodgey stuff going on around the world,its really reaching breaking point now! It makes me so angry and upset.
Many western countries are guilty of the same thing. Although you could say to a much greater extent.