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Old 05/31/2007, 12:48 AM
MarineGirl411 MarineGirl411 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Spokane, Washington
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Unhappy How many of you add extra flow to your refugium on your SPS tanks?

I would like to know how many of you add extra flow to your refugium on your sps tank? My refugium is in my sump. Separate compartment. The water flows through quite slowly and I have detritus that is collected in there. I am worried about it being disrupted and causing havoc. Should I add an extra powerhead in there? Should I vacuum out the detritus? I'm getting into SPS more. I don't have a very large system like some of you, but it is still very important to me. I want to try more rare SPS, but I'd like this question answered first. Thank you. =)
...Treat Others The Way You Wish To Be Treated...

40 breeder, BM 150 Skimmer, 25 gallon sump/fuge, Aqualight Pro, Closed loop with Reeflo Sequence Snapper and Vortech.