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smokinreefer420 10/12/2006 02:16 AM

Corals dying? Can I save them?
Okay, I had some trouble last weekend where I left my tank with my girlfriend for the weekend and my refugiums' return pump went dry. My heater was located in that refugium, and the temp went down quite a bit. Also my tang got pop-eye and died which was probably dead in the tank for a good 12 hours untill I got home. I removed the tang, did a major water change, vacuumed all the crap on the botton, placed a bag of PhosGuard and a bag of carbon in the sump. A few days later I checked my levels. They are:

Phosphate is just above 0, Nitrate 5 mg/L, Nitrite 0, Ammonia 0, Calcium 380+mg/L, Alk 4.285 meg/L (KH 12dkh), PH 8.0, Salinity 1.025 (had a problem with my hydrometer, and compared it to LFS so this is what I came up with after all said and done), and my temp is about 79 degrees.

Now, my green finger leather went limp and stays limp (see pic). Do you think it will come back to life or does it look dead? What can I do to save it?

My Fox Coral closed up a bit then opened back up, but one side does not look to healthy, I could see the skeleton a bit (see pic). Is that going to get worse or is this what it looks like at when it's closed (can't remember)? What can I do to save it?

My torch coral, was like this when I bought it and never extended much, but when I brought to my tank it extended a bit more. After the incident it went back in and then it came out except for the one branch (see pic). Will it come out? Is it dead? What can I do to save it?

Sorry for all the questions, I'm just really stressing out about it. This is the first time I have ever sent pics, so I'm posting them on seperate posts. Thanks


smokinreefer420 10/12/2006 02:20 AM


smokinreefer420 10/12/2006 02:22 AM


smokinreefer420 10/12/2006 02:24 AM


baja_01 10/12/2006 02:55 AM

Keeping everthing stable is about all you can do. Watch out for brown jelly on the LPS, and if the leather starts to really melt, take it out before it can spoil the tank.

smokinreefer420 10/12/2006 01:26 PM

The rest of the corals are doing great now but the green leather is still limp. There was brown stuff on the grean leather but I dusted it off. It still looks like the picture should I take it out if it gets worse than that. Its hasn't decomposed and its been five days its looked like that. How long will it take normally to decompose?

baja_01 10/12/2006 03:40 PM

It probably would of done it by now if it was, but it may take it a week or two to start expanding again, it sounds like everything was really stressed.

smokinreefer420 10/12/2006 07:21 PM

I moved the green leather into a bag temporarily and the hard part at the beginning of the base is flaking off. It kind of looks like fiber glass flaking off. Is this normal? Or is it dead?

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