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gordon903 06/29/2006 04:45 AM

Jacks 125 begins
Well time for a bigger tank i currently have a 46 bow front just got the tank with internal over flow and starting to build the stand and canopy looking for ideas this is my first large tank only been in the hobby a little over a year pictures will come as progress is made i will draw plans for the stand and canopy as i finish them so they will be available for free to all that would like them wish me luck

The Reefer91 06/29/2006 07:35 AM

good luck :)

gordon903 06/29/2006 11:50 AM

got 2 36inch power compacts and 18 watt uv sterilizer

shoddyk 06/29/2006 11:54 AM

Are you planning on having corals or just fish only?

gordon903 06/29/2006 06:28 PM

mixed fish and corals

gordon903 06/29/2006 06:29 PM

does anyone know the heigth of a canopy i am trying to get a material list ready to go to home depot

thor32766 06/29/2006 07:35 PM


gordon903 06/30/2006 06:57 PM


gordon903 07/01/2006 03:42 PM

the canopy is goimg to be about 12 inches thats what my buddy that owns the lfs said it needs to be incase i want mh lighting

gordon903 07/02/2006 06:51 AM

decide the stand is going to be 30 tall so it sits about the same as my other 2 tanks pics coming soon the camera is on charge

gordon903 07/02/2006 06:50 PM

opion 2 doors 3 or 4

Aquaticman74 07/02/2006 08:17 PM

I would put three doors on the front and one on the side in case you need to change your sump.

gordon903 07/03/2006 05:05 PM

well i decided on 4 doors opens the front up for easy acess

gordon903 07/03/2006 05:06 PM

heres a thought what about putting styrofoam on the inside of the stand to insulate it any thoughts

gordon903 07/04/2006 04:12 PM

does any one have a stand with a full back got any opions my tank is drilled in the bottom and uv and protein skimmer will be in the sump so dont really need the back open wondering what your thoughts were before i closed it during construction

gordon903 07/06/2006 07:46 PM

got the tank today it is actualy 18 and a half by 72 and a half so now i will start the stand the materials are here so i dont think it will take long then i will start the canopy i just got home from the lfs and he had a canopy that i really liked but for 500 with no lights i took the measurements of course being a nice guy he helped me well thats the latest update hope to have some pics in a couple of days im writing a list of materials and dimensions of all the components so if any one would like them let me know i will post it in the diy section as soon as im totaly finished wich may be a while since things are moving slower than planed i need to stay out of the fish store i keep spending the money i have for this on other stuf for the other tanks

Aquaticman74 07/06/2006 08:08 PM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7693281#post7693281 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gordon903 [/i]
[B]i need to stay out of the fish store i keep spending the money i have for this on other stuf for the other tanks [/B][/QUOTE]

It's a disease! We're all guilty of it... :D

LatechReefer 07/06/2006 08:16 PM

what is the wattage on those PC bulbs. I'm guessing 96 watts, and i'm thinking your going to probably want a little more light than that for keeping corals, even if its just softies.

gordon903 07/07/2006 04:34 AM

the pcs have 2 96 watt 50/50 bulbs per light thats a little over 3 watts per gallon and yes this will mostly be softies and some lps do you think thats enough light

gordon903 07/08/2006 12:57 PM


gordon903 07/08/2006 08:31 PM

cut all the peices for the stand except the doors wrote all demensions down in case someone likes the stand and wants to build one i will start the assymbly tomorrow and hopefuly get some pics posted i was lucky i had almost all the materials laying in the garage from an old project does anyone have an opion about putting a back on the stand

gordon903 07/11/2006 08:04 PM

started to assyble thr stand today had to order cable for the digital camara so i can post the pics does any one know a good free site i can store the pics on sorry for such slow progress but been working 80 hrs a week but i guess it beets not working because if i didnt i wouldnt be able to support this hobby

gordon903 07/16/2006 08:09 PM

[IMG] [/IMG] just the begining of the stand

gordon903 07/16/2006 08:41 PM

stand pics
[IMG] [/IMG] top and bottom already asy

gordon903 07/16/2006 08:44 PM

stand pics
[IMG] [/IMG] bottom veiw of top and bottom

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