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snipersps 10/05/2005 11:24 PM

please becarefull with tony (atlantic reef) he is a thief

I want people to becareful with Tony(AtlanticReef) he is a theif. On thursday of last week he went to my house to trade some coral with me. I had a Mario(Mchava) over in the afthernoon looking at some corals to buy. We where talking about the PM that I had becuase he had gothen a piece from Loc a few days ago. Well later on that night, Tony came to my house wanting to trade some Acans for my watermelon coral. I went ahead and treaded with him. Well as soon as Tony got there Mario said he was leaving and I walked him out to the front door and said goodnight. So I then went ahead and started to trade with tony. He had brought a coral colony that he wanted me to frag. I told him that was cool and I took the colony to the garage where I had my fragtank set up. It took me about 20min to frag the coral in which time Tony was by him self looking at my tank in the living room where my two boy's where watching TV. One of my boy's told me they saw tony get my step stool and had his hands in the tank in the same spot where my Purple Monster was at but they did not tell me right the time tony went with me to the garage and i saw his short pockets were wet but at the moment i diddnt think he would do that cause i trusted him . So the next morning when I was looking at my tank I noticed that the Purple Monstor was Gone . The only two peole that where over the night before was Mario (mchava) who was with me all the time he was there, and Tony(AtlanticReef) who was alone for 20 minutes when I was fraging the coral. At first I thought that may be the coral had fallen over but I took half of my tank down including the Large Rocks but did not find a single coral. I waited a few day to see if Tony would say something. saturday i went to his house and he refused to open the door i knew he was there because i saw his 2 cars in the front driveway and i knocked on the door and his 2 kids went to see who it was but nobody opened the door. Well today I went to Tonys house and i waiting for about 30 minutes to see what time he would be home so finally he came home and i knocked on the door and he would not let me in his house. he opend the door from the garage and i asked if i can see his tank and he told me oh nonono i cant right now its dinner time and i told him come on tony i only need one minute and he seemed really nervouse and he clossed the gargae and ran in his house i was looking at him from the door window and he was walking in back and fourth scraching his head asking me to get out and said tommorw come ! and didnt open the door so that I can't see if the coral was there. He said he would call the cops if I did not leave. So I left realy ticked of. He then called me and that is when I told him that he had stollen my Purple monster. He denyed everything but my son saw him taking something from the tank. This is not the first time Tony has stolen from fellow reefers. If you all remmember Tongs did not have locks in the big dispay tanks before but after some of their Acans wen't missing they installed them. Tony was the one who stoled the corals cause i really knew that colony.and afetr it got stolen i went to tony"s (atlanticreef)and saw that colony there in his tank and i asked isnt that the one tong had in the display tank and he got really nervouse but denyed it . I also know that he cheated Ben from Coral Oiasis on some equipment a while back by trading him a fake Rollex . I am what to make sure the people know not to trust this person he will do what ever he can to get what he wants. As for my PM i will never see it again but I will also never let Tony come to my house and I hope no one else gets something stolen from him.
and something i am sure about next time i see tony i will deck him in the face it doesnt matter if he is supposedly "black belt" lol hahahaha so becarfull guys.

Thanks for reading.
Hugo (snipersps)

snipersps 10/05/2005 11:39 PM

deadmanh thank you so much thanks for offering me your help i still have to more colonies of purple monster. but my point ius that i let tony have my trust to be in my hose and he does something dumb like that

deadmanh 10/05/2005 11:47 PM

yeah, im really sorry... anyhow.

definately something wrong if you cant trust people in your own home. the reefing community always felt like a great bunch of people, esp at the old scmas meetings. i guess reef or no reef you gotta watch your back.

hope im not bringing back bad memorries but i STILL remember old school encino and what happened there.

snipersps 10/05/2005 11:50 PM

yes i will watch my back for now on

nickrosenthal 10/05/2005 11:50 PM

Man what an a$$. I never knew someone could stoop so low just for a coral. What a dork and a loser!!!!!

silverarrow27 10/05/2005 11:51 PM

Sorry to hear about what happened. It is hard to trust people nowadays.

One thing that striked me last saturday was around 11 am when my brother and I arrived at fragfarmer in Montclair and she/he had a sign up on the door saying s/he'd be back at noon, but left the doors unlocked. My brother and I knocked on the door and even pushed the door in a few inches just so the door bell rings, but no one showed up to the front door so we left. Talking about trust! The owner should be more careful and lock the doors next time.

snipersps 10/05/2005 11:51 PM

yes he is a looser

deadmanh 10/05/2005 11:53 PM

damnit... i never got to see your tank on the tank tour and people were seriously raving about it BIG TIME.... i hope you dont close your doors to all people..... just the... 'SHADY' ones...

snipersps 10/05/2005 11:54 PM

ooh of course not i wont close to all the people i will just take more percusion with people like tony your welcome to my house any time

nickrosenthal 10/05/2005 11:56 PM

What an idiot too. We all know that what we value most in our tanks and it would be completely obvious if something like that went missing.

deadmanh 10/05/2005 11:57 PM

sweet... haha me and christian will ninja any punks hahaha. speaking of which ... where the hel_l is that boy? i bet he's got a 'choice' word or two.

H22ATypeS 10/05/2005 11:57 PM


AtlanticReef 10/05/2005 11:57 PM

You posted is freaking not true at all....

Last Saturday, a unknow stranger reefer cam to my house when I was not home. He told my wife that his friend sent him to my house to buy coral...She won't open the door. She so got mad with me that I keep let stranger people coming to my house.

here is the PM I sent you

There is unknown spanish reefer visit to my house tonight when I wasn't home...My wife told me that she's never met this guy before at my house....he told my wife he was sent by someone to come to buy the corals. That's very strange, at least I should know a head of time or my permission if he/she invite the unknow reefer to my house...Any comments or you ever give my address of my house to some one else? I will go to wholesale this you want I call you incase I saw some nice corals over there...Btw, my wife already wrote down his car license plate since we do not know who is he....She is in the community neighbor watch....her job.
snipersps wrote on 10/05/2005 11:52 PM:
of course i havent gave your address to any one but dont be dumb you know a lot of people at the frag swaps probaly some one you know gave the adress to them also probably because also you sell a lot of stuff

Sunday Mario came by my house with a camera, he was spent around one hour to help me out to inspect red bugs on my all corals. Please check with him...I really didn't know which coral you lost.

Today at 6:45 pm you came by without notice or my permission when we was just starting the dinner time....the wife got mad again since she didn't want any body coming at dinner time so I asked you to come back when we fisnish the dinner....then you got mad that you told me I stolen the coral from you. On Thursday night I was so busy with you in the back of your garage so I really didn't know what's going on....then you told me today. I knew you got mad that I won't let you come in but you need to respect that it my dinner time......

snipersps 10/05/2005 11:59 PM

yeah he is an idiot how wouldent i notice it he should have thought about it and i thought i had gone behind the tank and like i said took out half of my tank out and i copuldnt find it and my colony if he whanted to frag it he will maybe make at least 8 frags 3/4 to 1 ich frags

badbones 10/06/2005 12:02 AM

Out of curiosity, what was the value of your PM???

AtlanticReef 10/06/2005 12:04 AM

You should not blame on me that I stolen your coral.....since you also have a lot of reefers coming to your house buying corals....

deadmanh 10/06/2005 12:05 AM

in my opinion as someone somewhat biased....

tony if you had dealings with Hugo before, and had been in his house, you could have "shut him up" if you didnt have something to hide by showing him your tank. thats a relatively simple task and you would have not only proven him wrong but he would have applolgized to you,

instead by your own admission you did not let him in for the mear purposes of dinner? what kind of an excuse is that? true, this is america and you have rights of property. and the right to keep people off of that land and out of your house. but i wouldnt expect you to outrightly reject someone who had let you into their house.


snipersps 10/06/2005 12:06 AM

of course i had to go without permission because that would be the only way to see if you had my pm colony and if you remeber you were coming back from picking up your kids so at the moment you wernt eating i told you only 2 minutes just to check out your tank and you were really nervous looking at my soon a lot cause he is the one that saw you stick your hand in my tank that is the rason i took him so he could tell you in the face he is 16 you think he would lie buit i gues you were scared or sumthing and ran in your house like a little kid lol but like i said becarefull tony next time i see you

AtlanticReef 10/06/2005 12:06 AM

I didn't say I call the cop if you won't leave....I asked you to wait for 15 minutes or half hours when we done with the dinner....

snipersps 10/06/2005 12:08 AM

he can make around 8 frags of 3/4 to 1 inch frags decide how much money youd ask for those
that is true you have the point

J-Bass 10/06/2005 12:09 AM

:lol: That would like give him time enough to go and hide the coral. That's if he did steal the coral...allegedly.

deadmanh 10/06/2005 12:09 AM

haha... i know this isnt my quarrel....... BUT...

tony, the OBVIOUS reason a person would not want to wait 20 mins for you to eat your important dinner, is becuase that allows a 'suspect' ample opportunity to dispose of any incriminating evidence.

snipersps 10/06/2005 12:09 AM

tony you never asked me to wait 15 minutes you said please gogogog come tomoorow and i told i will wait here and all you said was gogogogo well call the poliice

deadmanh 10/06/2005 12:11 AM

8 frags of PM for a lowered price of $250....??? does that sound right? im just guessing on the price.

yeah... thats a lotta money. enough to make some people..... unpleasant.

snipersps 10/06/2005 12:11 AM

yeah of course that would give min enough time to hide it

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