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AberFitchFish 04/10/2005 10:04 AM

Okay well i began to my research/gathering infos for my current setup back in July...i think, and figured out all the fish/invertebrates i was going to buy, etc...

I recently just began to buy the sand/liverock/ etc... to begin the cycling of the tank...however i forgot a lot of "what i need to know" Since i use to ask a lot here back in the summer 04.

My tank is 75 gallons, only has about 25 lbs of liverock, which is all on one side of the tank currently. I was actually curious can i use non-live rock from a pet shop and fill up the base sections with that and then put the live rock over it? And will that make the "dead rock" change into "live rock"?

Also i have been getting many little weird looking creatures, whihc i cannot take pictures of because my camera gets too blurry up that close. I have this weird about 1.5 inch long green worm and i think another one is emerging out of the live rock as well. I found a 3 legged starfish, the one with the long legs, sort of look like spider/octobpus or something, with bristles. I have these weird parmecium shaped sluggish lookig things crawling all over my one piece of live rock. i found 2 feather dusters, 3 anemones, and this weird long tubeish wormish looking thing that is brown....I know you probably won't be able to I.D. these without pictures.

I am also going to buy these PC lights from my local reef shop for about 150 bucks, it has 4 PC lights. Would that be okay for a 75 gallon? And my mom and i would like to eventually get a better protein skimmer, but currently i have this one and i have no clue how to set it up...

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I do believe my tank is currently udnergoing a cycle is growing like this yellowish brown stuff on the sand, si that normal? And also there is this greyish/blue mold looking stuff growing no the lvierock and a lot of bubbles that are growing on it, what is it?

This is the right half of my current setup.
<img src="" alt="Image hosted by">

Wiskey 04/10/2005 11:59 PM

The yellow/brown stuff could be diatom algae, normal for a new tank.

The mat w/ bubbles under it could be cyano, test your levels, ammonia, nitrIte, nitrAte, PH, and the rest of the gambit and let us know what you find.


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