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mikee68 06/14/2004 05:18 PM

New Tank Questions
Well, I just purchased another tank. A 40 gal breeder. Planning on setting it up with sps only. I have an extra sump and some extra supplies I'll be using for this set-up. I had the LFS drill some holes in the tank for me to run a closed loop. Don't know whether to use a mag 9 or 12 on the closed loop. Any Ideas?? the return from the sump will be a mag 9. Lighting is also another problem? I have one 250w se halide sitting around with a xm20k and a hamilton14k bulb. Would this be enough light for the tank or should I purchase dual 175w. Any ideas would be great. I do have a set of vho actinics that will be on this tank also. Please help me set-up this tank. All input and comments would be great appreciated. Thanks, mikee68

BobB 06/14/2004 05:39 PM

On my 40G, I used dual 175w 10KK MHs in twin PFO mini-pendants, hung from the ceiling and suspended about 8 inches above the water. My SPSs seemed to like this lighting. For aesthetics, I wish I could have had some actinic lighting, but...

mikee68 06/16/2004 12:51 AM

Thanks, bobB.

johnrags1234 06/16/2004 01:19 AM

Hmm.. first, 40 breeders are great tanks, congradulations!

Lighting: the 175w dual sounds good, but I would recomend you do the 250w in a good spider- type reflector, as well as two actinic tubes. Your bulb choice is up to you, but remeber you will want maximum par, especially if you have a 3 foot spread.

You shouldnt have trouble with the far sides in terms of lighting, but I wouldnt keep any acros that crave high intensity on the bottom of the far sides. Clams would do well however in my opinion.

Flow: The more the better obviosly. NOW is the time to do your research on drilling, not when the tank has water- I learned the hard way. Think if you will want a closed loop, how many and what sized drains etc. I woul probably look for two one inch drains. That may sound crazy, but the having two minimizes the damage if one gets clogged up, and also allows more flow.

Will you want to use powerheads? I dont like using them (I have had to however), so I would shoot for the most flow coming from your sump return as possible. Some people like having their refugiums in their sumps, so lower flow is necassary for them, and they have to have a closed loop or other types of flow. I prefer having a large return pump and a seperate fuge if I want one. Also, as you probably know, it is important to have your flow varied. When you are working with a sump return their are several options:
-Sea swirls (expensive, only varies direction of flow)
-SCWDs (cheap, but you have to use flex tubiing which I hate)
-OceansMotions wavemaking device (pricey, but looks awesome)
-Motorized ball valves (very expensive, not practical for most all systems)
- Some others too!

If I were in your situation I would probably use the oceans motions device. I may use one on the tank I plan on setting up soon. They are expensive, but the craftsmanship looks great and they are highly configurable, but most importantly, they provide flow in an alternating pattern, and they offer attachments that will rotate and pulse th flow. Very cool!

Mag 9 or 12 for the sump return? If you want to create the majority of the flow on the return of the sump, use the 12.5, if you plan on using other sources of primary flow (SEIOs, closed loops, Streams, powerheads, surges etc) use only the mag 9.

HTH and post or PM if you have anything else you think I could help you with.


OUinLA 06/16/2004 01:20 AM

I have 1 250 over a 40g and it doesn't quite light the whole thing. It comes close though. I can keep pocillipora and seriatoporas on the ends and they grow fine and hold color

Dan Fagan 06/16/2004 07:18 AM

I use a 40 breeder as a refugium. Did you ever think of plumbing yours into your larger system directly ? Might save some $ on filtration in the long run... I would go for the 2x175. The 250's are nice but if you cant cover the whole tank whats the point ? (No offense OU) My flow needs are alot less than yours would be but the concept is the same. Overflow into your sump, Use your mag for the return along with a couple of powerheads and you'll be in bid-ness....

JB NY 06/16/2004 09:30 AM


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