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mcliffy2 01/11/2008 07:45 PM

need help figuring out whats wrong with my trigger?
I noticed over the last week or so it seems like my trigger has been eating less. He still was eating, but is not agressive at all like he normally is, and he only grabs a morsel or two. Its almost like he is losing his eyesight, he gets all excited comes out, but then swims right through most of the food. He looks really skinny and today he didnt come out when I fed. No visual signs of anything being wrong except he looks skinny. Im thinking internal parasite because I'm at a loss for what else could be wrong. Anyone have any ideas? He has been in my system for system for 6 months. All other fish are healthy and eating. I introduced a mandarin a little over a month and a half ago and that is the last fish introduced.

Worst thing is, Im not sure what I can do for him. Getting him out of my tank is next to impossible and even if I did I dont know where I could put him. I have a 12g nano I could use as a QT but I think the move there and putting a trigger in a 12g would stress him even more. Im about to do a water change. Havent done water level tests, but all my sps are growing fine and colored pretty nicely, which is usually my indicator that nitrates, alk, ph, etc. are ok. anything else I could try?

NewSchool04 01/11/2008 08:18 PM

sounds like he's starving. I just went through this and still going through it with my Achilles tang and the only way to bring him back is to make sure he's eating. You need to put the food up to him and make sure he takes it.
My problem was the other tangs in the tank were much more aggressive during feeding time and I never realized that the Achilles wasn't getting his share. I'm still battling it and it's a pain but I'm seeing a definite turn around. Soak the food in garlic juice, make sure that he's eating it, fatten him up. My fish acted the same, I thought he was blind, swam around food but never really took it, almost looked confused.

Of course it could be 100 other reasons but sounds like the same symptoms I was dealing with.

mcliffy2 01/11/2008 09:04 PM

That does sounds similar, I guess I will keep trying. Ive tried feeding the other fish first then putting food in for him. What techniques did you use to "spot feed" your Achilles?

Shaummy 01/11/2008 09:51 PM

following this along...I have a bluethroat that is acting exactly the same way, he hangs out by my overflow, so I've been soaking flakes and lately silversides in garlic trying to get him to eat.

He's eating slowly..but you have to dangle it in front of his face to get him to bite it. It's a painful process and he hasn't really fattened up yet but I have my fingers crossed.

NewSchool04 01/11/2008 10:09 PM

I put a nori clip up but will have separate nori on the side in a baster for the Achilles. When the other pig tangs are attacking the clip I try to sneak some to the Achilles. I also feed shrimp to my eel and anemone twice a week. When I feed them, I feed the tank with Rod's food for the fish. When the fish are going wild, I put a piece of shrimp on a skewer and try to get the Achilles to eat.

It's working, I can see the color coming back to him and he doesn't seem that blind, or at least not as blind as before!

Fitz308 01/11/2008 11:29 PM

Multiple smaller feedings, coaxing him to eat more, bring up his appetite.

Seems like something might have caused him to go lean.


mcliffy2 01/12/2008 12:39 AM

I feed every day, sometimes twice. As my female black saddleback clown has gotten bigger, she has taken over as the most aggressive eater. She wont actually attack other fish, but I have seen her take food out of the triggers mouth, and he is 3x her size. I will try the technique with the nori clip, I just hope its not too late.

Aquaticman74 01/12/2008 12:44 AM

What kind of trigger is it and what do you normally feed it?

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