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Gonodactylus 01/11/2008 02:35 PM

Juvenile Lysiosquillina reared in captivity
A couple of years ago I captured several larval Lysiosquillina in the water column. They were about 2.5 cm at the time and quickly molted to postlarvae. They were allowed to burrow in sand and have been reared in the lab since. They are now about 5-6 cm long and feed ravenously on pieces of grass shrimp and fish. The burrow is still a simple vertical tube and these animals will not be reproductive for several more years, but I thought mantis shrimp lovers might like to see how they are progressing.



ENraged 01/11/2008 03:36 PM


Altpers0na 01/11/2008 04:19 PM


justinl 01/11/2008 04:43 PM

cool. Im glad they are doing so well. Have you captive raised these guys before? or is success somehow better fr some reason in wild caught larvae than captive hatched?

Gonodactylus 01/11/2008 05:11 PM

Whenever I go into the field, I always take a dive light and net. Each night, particularly a few days after the full moon until the new moon, I try to spend an hour or so standing in the water with the light submerged and pointing out to sea. Many stomatopod larvae and postlarvae are attracted to light the night that they settle. As they arrive at the light and swim up the beam, I scope them up with the net and drop them into a bucket of sea water. Most stomatopod larvae have a translucent bluish white color in the light and are easily identified, but even on a night with waves and muck in the water, occasional sweeps of the net in front of the light usually produces a few stomatopods. When I'm finished, I sort through the night's catch and save any species that I haven't seen before or that I want to rear. Most are small (8-15 mm) and are easily transported back to Berkeley in 1 oz. plastic bottles with a half an inch of water in the bottom. They can last two or three days without opening the bottle or changing the water.

While stomatopod larvae are extremely difficult to rear, last stadia larvae that usually molt to postlarvae the night of capture (squillids, lysiosquillids) or postlarvae that are still up in the water column (gonodactylids, pseudosquillids) are quite tough and easy to rear. Burrowers can easily dig a burrow in a few inches of sand and they feed readily on live brine shrimp, but also will take frozen brine, mysids and cyclops.

I usually bring back 50-100 and rear those that I can't identify - or maintain specific species needed for experiments and observations. For example, some of the most abundant larvae in the water column in Moorea and Lizard Island are Pullosquilla thomassini and P. latoralis. I can catch dozens on a good night, rear them to sexual maturity (3 months) and look at sperm precedence and mating behavior having guaranteed virgins. If I collected adults (much harder), I could not be sure that they hadn't mated prior to capture.

If you are interested in rearing postlarval stomatopods and plan to visit a tropical marine coast (Hawaii, Florida, French Polynesia, etc.), it is worth a try. Even if you don't collect stomatopods, there is always something fascinating turning up in the bucket. My only words of warning are to wear a stinger suit since you will be standing motionless in chest deep water and the light attracts all sorts of things ranging from cubomedusae to fish lice.


DanInSD 01/12/2008 03:14 AM

Dr. Roy, is this L. lisa?


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