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sagitariuscbc 01/07/2008 01:45 AM

DIY any discussion or plans?-)
Has there been any discussion regarding mars or groups of folks getting together to do any DIY stuff?-)


sagitariuscbc 01/07/2008 01:48 AM

Is there any people in the area who are known to do certain things DIY wise, within the club or outside?-)
At this time I am not looking to do anything specific, I just want to see what's possible!-)

kevin95695 01/07/2008 10:17 AM

There was a DIY skimmer build at the beginning of last year that was a lot of fun and I know the club has done other DIY builds in the past.

Personally, I love the DIY and have modded almost everything I own.

bored4long 01/07/2008 12:11 PM

I would participate in any of the following DIY builds:

Skimmer (I want to build one for my 24g nano)
Kalkwasser stirrer
Frag Plugs (I can do this on my own, but I'd be more motivated if done as a club)
Acrylic tutorial (just basics on building acrylic boxes would be beneficial)

D&KSac 01/07/2008 12:31 PM

ohh i would love to do an acrylic box one.

Trevor S 01/07/2008 03:16 PM

does anyone have any info on doing a DIY wavy sea, or similar device?

maxdout 01/07/2008 03:34 PM

i'd be up to a DIY of any of hte above.

bored4long 01/07/2008 07:35 PM

I'd also be interested in a DIY surge device, or DIY Tunze wavebox. I'm not planning on adding one, but might consider if I understood the dynamice/physics of it better.

Trevor S 01/07/2008 08:47 PM

what do you guys think of a site dedicated to DIY for aquriums?

ThunderDog 01/07/2008 09:15 PM

I can't find it now but I thought there was a thread about making a Kalkwasser reactor in MARS that died. I would be interested in pretty much any of the DIY projects put forward above.

Brian Prestwood 01/07/2008 09:49 PM


I've done a bunch of...

Calcium Reactors
Carson Surge Buckets/Tanks
Pellet Feeders

If you want to coordinate it I'll host it.

If anyone knows how to make an airless (bubble free) surge device I'd like to help/host.

FYI - Mike (MrMikeB) has offered his work area for DIY work.

jeffmperez 01/07/2008 11:55 PM

Sign me up!

DIY Calcium Reactor or Kalk Stirrer
DIY Skimmers

also would love to learn about working with acrylic.....

sagitariuscbc 01/08/2008 12:16 AM

I am willing to do what I can!-)
Does anyone have access to materials for any of the above projects. Any designs are welcome we can all compare them and maybe build them all. It would be neat to see how they perform six months from now!-)
I am not sure if he's around anymore but I think huy made a couple of kalk stirrers!-) does anyone remember his rc handle or have a way of contacting him?-)
All ideas thoughts are highly encouraged always!-)

sagitariuscbc 01/08/2008 12:25 AM

Isn't the popular one (kalk stirrer/reactor) the neilson reactor?-)
Also the standpipe builds I remember roger from seabay coming up with a good one!-)
I think it's called the hoffer gurgle buster?-)


MrMikeB 01/08/2008 02:59 AM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11545855#post11545855 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Brian Prestwood [/i]

FYI - Mike (MrMikeB) has offered his work area for DIY work. [/B][/QUOTE]

Uhh... my shop is still available for the next month or so, but afterwards there will be a slight problem. There will be (4) 5'x10' tanks and loads of equipment in the way. :(

pbetito 01/08/2008 03:33 AM

[QUOTE][i]<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11548124#post11548124 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MrMikeB [/i]
[B]Uhh... my shop is still available for the next month or so, but afterwards there will be a slight problem. There will be (4) 5'x10' tanks and loads of equipment in the way. :( [/B][/QUOTE]

Available my backside...not until Kelly clears the remaining 30 square feet of her crap out of it :D

Let's do SKIMMERS!!!!!!!!!

MrMikeB 01/08/2008 04:28 AM

That woman I swear! Leaving her stuff laying around so that I cannot completely take over all available space and build Reeftopia! (I am so glad she does not read these posts) :D

I have a ShopSmith v5 that is surprisingly portable to donate the USE of for any DIY. Has all the cool nifty gadgets - drill press, etc. The only caveat - teach me how to use it some day?

D&KSac 01/08/2008 08:40 AM

yeah lets do skimmers!!!!!! lol

bored4long 01/08/2008 10:44 AM

Maybe if there is enough interest in a DIY skimmer class we can get a fair discount on clear pvc or acrylic. I went into Tap on Saturday to buy a sheet of acrylic to work on a skimmer design. But when she told me how much it would cost I decided to get the SWC MSX200 instead. Acrylic is ridiculous expensive!

On that note, Tap carries 8"x8" scrap acrylic for 50 cents each. That is plenty cheap to play with in an acrylic DIY class. We can make computer fan holders or frag racks. Just something to teach the basic box building. All other materials (glue and applicator) are very cheap.

kevin95695 01/08/2008 11:05 AM

Last skimmer build materials came from and Home Depot/Lowes. Materials came to about $75-$95 depending on mods, not including pump.

jeffmperez 01/08/2008 09:08 PM

"I think it's called the hoffer gurgle buster?-)"

I built this DIY for my overflow. It's very easy and works great! My tank is in my office and the gurgling was driving me nuts. Now it's silent!

sagitariuscbc 01/08/2008 09:28 PM

I will need a hoffer GB!-)

Maybe not possible but it would be great while we are all together to work on different items at the same time!-) due to all the great minds and tools in one place!-)

jeffmperez 01/08/2008 09:31 PM

Sagitarius -

If you want to get a head start on the gurgle buster. Here ya go:


sagitariuscbc 01/08/2008 09:42 PM

Thank you!-)

ThunderDog 01/08/2008 11:47 PM

I vote for the Kalk Reactor/Stirrer if there is enough interest. I'm maxed out on Skimmers for now and the near future. Maybe something similar to the PM KR620.

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